Friday, December 21, 2012

Life of Pi review

Wow! I went in this movie with low expectations because the trailers and commercials failed to grab me. Sure the movie looked neat visually, but otherwise, I just couldn't muster any excitement for the movie. Well now that I've seen it I can say: this movie blew me away! There are some scenes that are truly stunning. Some scenes that just take your breath away. Some scenes that are so beautiful, so majestic, so haunting and some scenes that just damn near moved me to tears. And I'm not even a very religious person. I've always considered myself to be agnostic. The truth is, I don't care for religion. I don't think about it. It rarely ever, if ever, occupies time in my head. Is there are a god? I don't know and I just don't care. All I care about is the here and now. But this movie actually made me caught up on this journey the lead character goes to. A journey that is equally spiritual as it is physical.

The lead performance from Suraj Sharma is absolutely incredible. This is a performance so amazing that it actually rivals Daniel Day Lewis's work in Lincoln and Liam Neeson's work in The Grey as among the very best of the year. It will be an absolute crime if he doesn't get an Academy Award nomination, even though his chances appear to be iffy right now. Irrfan Khan, who plays the lead character as an adult, is wonderful as well, but it is Sharma who truly carries the movie on his little shoulders.

Then there is the ending. The ending appears to have been met with mixed reaction but I personally loved it. Admittedly, I wasn't really sure at first what to think, but what I loved about it is that it makes you think back at the movie and look at it differently. It made me want to see the movie again just view it from that point of view.

Ang Lee has made some very fine films in the past, but this is, without a doubt, his best one yet. The movie also contains the best use of 3D I have ever seen, even surpassing Avatar. The scene where the ship sinks is truly a sight to behold. And there are several other gorgeous images throughout the movie. In fact, it's a testament to how enraptured I was at the movie that there were a few times where I even forgot I was wearing those damn glasses. That NEVER happens. Not even with Avatar. But Life of Pi is a different beast altogether. And I can't wait to see the movie again.  It's unlike any movie I have ever seen and probably ever will see.  It is easily one of the year's best films.  There is no doubt that this movie will make my top 10 list.  In fact, it'll probably be in my top 5.

Grade: A

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